AmigaOS3.5 (244/967)

Date:6 May 2000 at 12:30:59
Subject:Re: Tacky Backdrops!!!

Hello Henrik

On 06-May-2OOO, You Said:

>> One thing has been bugging me since installing OS3.5 last year,
>> My backdrops look CRAP!!! i.e. Thay have lost a load of colors &
>> look to bloody ditherd e.g. A 128col pic looks like its in 16col etc...
>> I've tried all picture.datatype(s) + Color quality & dithering settings
>> etc.. But without any luck, OS3.5 seems to zapp all my pens aswell??

> Until recently I also ran WB 3.5 in AGA and 128 colours.
> The real problem is the immense task it actually is to reduce
> 24 bitplane pictures to 6-7bit or less as well as sharing colours
> with your icons. What I did was to reduce the backdrop and pattern
> pics to 64 colour pictures. After that, things looked ok. There are
> some really good graphics packages available that will do this job for
> you. Colour remapping is no better or worse for JPG and PNG pictures
> than for GIFs and ILBM pictures as someone suggested. (At least I
> didn't notice it.)

I could understand if this was a Hardware problem causing bad quality
WBpatterns, But It's not! Surely It's a Datatype problem that can be fixed?

I've tried everything that was sent-in on this list, But no joy :(



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